2008年11月3日 星期一




網上資訊無限。尤其今天教育界流行通識,單靠印刷文本恐怕追不上時代。電子課本,內容不但可以隨時更新,更可跳出平面框框,不再局限於文字和圖片。 語文書可以讓學生邊讀邊聽,改善發音;歷史書可以播放歷史片段,減少學生打呵欠;地理書可以加插立體圖解,放大縮小任君選擇。 難道,我們還要停留在限時限刻,全班同學肅靜坐定定,老師煞有介事熄燈捲簾,為的就是看《教育電視》的年代嗎? 再者,保護環境,減少用紙,就如日常生活已全方位電子化一樣,是全球大勢所趨,不可逆轉。


2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

I would classify that legislator as someone that represents not only the education sector, but also someone that represents the interests of textbook publishers/resellers. If revised textbook editions can be download at the flick of a switch, then it is not hard to imagine a group of people's interests will be affected.

To me those vision problems are just excuses. The legislator in question did in fact protected his constituent's interest, but maybe at the expense of efficiency of the economy and parents pockets.....

Francis 提到...

In America, one of the city councils in California (as I remembered) is drafting for the purchase of ipad to councilmen.

In long run, students are going to read more electronically so what reasons are the legislator using other than children visual concern?