2009年3月16日 星期一


過去數十載,港人年復年,月復月,營營役役,辛苦搵來志在「餵大笨象」,只因深信他安全又保值,袋袋好平安。風水師麥玲玲就是其中經典人辦: 「自從媽媽死後,與我相依為命的,就只有大笨象矣。」儘管早有人質疑又唱淡,港人一般對大笨象仍然「執迷不悔」,前線血肉長城,後方堅守陣地,以為生還者必然是強中之強。然而,多少孩子的大學基金、女兒的嫁妝、打工仔的退休金以至一年一個的聖誕鐘-如塌方驟至,一併活埋。

乍回首,大家都茫茫然,早知淪為陪葬品,何必日夜埋首苦幹?何必忙得連阿媽來電也不曾談多過一分鐘? 何必明知阿媽多番提醒今晚煲了靚湯,只望多見自己一會,你卻總是播完晚間新聞還未回家? 何必為嘗「花瓜」蘋果醬,而忘記家裡的節瓜鹹蝦醬;為喝馬賽海鮮湯,而把老媽的青紅蘿蔔湯擱在一旁? 直到有天,老媽的湯成絕唱,才發現陪著自己的只剩一疊沒有價值的雷曼票據,或一疊百三元買入的大笨象股票,倍添淒涼。

「一個人嘗盡山珍海味,比不上一家人吃一頓家常便飯。」 這是小說《品香飯店》的題旨,下月就搬到演藝學院上演舞台劇,在此大時代中份外貼題。 試問「信仰」幻滅,還有誰可付託?還不是那個隨時為你「滾番熱啲湯」加「等門守夜」的老媽?


2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Several years ago Eason Chan had a song called "Shall We Talk". I think the song is just so so but the lyrics are really impressive and thought-provoking.

People these days are busy with work, busy with material thing and pay very little attention on listening and building relationships. Sometimes we all take those for granted, thinking that they will always be there. The truth is relationships need to be reinforced, and when that person leaves this world, one can do nothing to turn back the clock.

I gave a busy friend writings on Brandon Lee's Epitaph, just to remind her to cherish the moments spent with those who love her.

Unknown 提到...

"Because we don’t know when we will die, we got to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens a certain number of times, and a very small number, really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon that’s so deeply a part of your being that you can’t even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four or five times more. Perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the fool moon rise? Perhaps twenty, and yet it all seems limitless."