東方巨龍終於可以鬆口氣吧! 京奧圓滿閉幕,國家運動員不負13億人民的期望(根據各傳媒的說法,中國選手贏了是「為13億人爭光」,讓獎牌跑掉則是「傷透13億人的心」),順利使中國躋身金牌榜榜首。京奧的官方網站傲然展示著這張成績單,彷彿這就是舉辦京奧的最終目標。
2008年8月25日 星期一
張貼留言 (Atom)
6 則留言:
good to see you have a blog ~
nice article . :)
hi, Ms Miu,
Long time not seeing you in TV anywhere??
My wife & meself like your style of news reporting at ATV (long time ago...)
we just found your blog by chance this morning..
so what is your new/your job now?? last heard is that you are in a some Govt dept.. is it true??
anyway, do keep up your good work and your blog...
thanks & take care..
hi tony,yes, this is my humble blog. articles are published on am730 as well.
i'm now with The Link Management. not any gov dep. and yes, it's been almost four years since i left atv...
2000年的悉尼奧運官方網頁, 就已經有金牌榜:
連IOC本身的網頁亦不例外: (隨便選了兩個)
我不評論這樣做是否違章, 不過如果只針對北京奧組委, 是否有點兒那個?
無意針對,johnson i,多謝指教
Mr. Johnson I
what Ms Miu is saying on her blog is her own opinion on the issue that all people NOW are focused on the QTY of how many 金牌, the true meaning of Olympia game should be the sportsmanship, friendship of different country among 運動員, NOT just single-\mindedly concern about the result of chasing metal...
like life, we should never just thinking about how much we make, how much money we have, think about those 2 fireman who gave up their own life to save others..
Please open your mind when you looking other people's blog..
don't be over reactive about anything people have opposite idea or some comments about "CHINA"
Love your country does not mean, you listen only good comments about it, or think people with other opinion about your country is because those people are 只針對 your lovely country.
Ms Miu, 我撑你..