2008年10月27日 星期一




原本理直氣壯又可贏得掌聲的「順應民意」,說成為怎麼「理性的政策討論被整個感性的反應通通蓋過」。 其口中所謂的理性討論,還不是拋出一堆數字?說甚麼增加生果金一年便要多用十八億,言下之意就是這些錢不值得花。但值得與否,就是涉及價值觀,其觀點毫不含糊,也可絕對理性!那免費招待長者吃粥的愛民邨冬菇亭,連日來獲市民捐錢贈貨支持,就是港人敬老的最好說明。


3 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

I need to give Mr. Wong some syringes when they talk about medical financing and coverage...haha

On a serious note, I tend to agree with MingPao's editorial commentary on this. The government cannot function properly if it is focused on meeting all the benefits different interest groups have. This precedent would have serious repercussions on other projects such as medical coverage for all.

I want my old age benefits too, but I don't want it if the government is spending money like the Republicans (haha).

繆美詩 rachel miu 提到...

norman, it's always controversial as to how the gov should allocate its resources.

gov will always face competing demands.

either you stick to your original stance, if you belive it's the best for all, and most legitimate, or you give in with a view to win some support desperately. you just don't show your disdain and condemn those who demanded the change...

that's not what a politician should do...

Unknown 提到...

Exactly. I don't think people like their leaders to flip flop.

I would however really love to see an "analytical presentation" of how wrong his projections could be. I don't think Mr. Tsang can take it if someone really challenge his assumptions, projections and conclusions.

Probably that would lose more face than yielding to a banana, I think.....